BEEP. London no Bob, more art

Friday, a Bob free day as we are both otherwise engaged. Missed him last evening as well. He explained that those invited were all A-list.

What we missed:

Rain for a few minutes today. Missed it, we were inside.

Our engagement is with Melanie, Randy’s sister, and Dom, his son and Kate, Dom’s wife.

First a corrective art visit. Dee “did” Tiepolo not Titian. Of to the gallery to collect a proper viewing.

Only two on display at the national. The rest are in storage.

For us, Cannaletto

And our other favorite, Turner.

sigh. So much better in person.

At the Royal academy they are doing an architecture exhibit. In the courtyard a commissioned piece, really a facade as explained. Modeled after Hopper and a scene in Psycho.

Dinner. Melanie, Dom and Kate. Indian as pictured. Very enjoyable company and dinner.

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8 Responses to BEEP. London no Bob, more art

  1. Dennis says:

    I’m hyngry.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I shall never eat again.

  3. Dee says:

    So–give us a clue. Nice photo, but what exactly was it that the “A-list” had at Bob’s place, whilst you were exploring other continents?

    Nice to see the photos of other parts of Randy and Yasmin’s family–thanks.

  4. Herb says:

    The A-listers must have suffered from gas after that fat snd overly carbpnixrd food! Lucky you were excluded…

  5. Bobby says:

    Our aged friends were a bit confused. The so-called A-list was my work buddies and we ate at the excellent Pitcue Restaurant in Liverpool Street. The dish displayed was a luscious bbq’ed lamb with cucumber and chilli pickles on sourdough toast.

  6. SD says:

    Tsk, Bob. So wrong, as usual (sigh). This is what he wrote to the aged friends: “A-list, darling. A-list only.“ Nothing confusing about that.

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