BSLC Alburg ransom bay

Tuesday partly sunny, sunny, no mosquitoes

A day of biking around some of the especially nice paths, dunes, landscapes outlined by the bike afficianados and map makers. Water views everywhere. Looks much better today without the rain.

Asked the Isles owner ( a very committed believer in doing good) why central America for the non profit. Lots of need stateside I said. Her response: too difficult to run a non profit here. Regulations, rules, paperwork, high expense, etc. The few dollars that can be solicited goes so much further elsewhere.

Went looking for lunch. Not so easy if one wants other than roadside convenience store deli. Had to go 8 miles out of my way to Rousse NY – a mile from Canada. T-Mobile now considers me using expensive data in Canada.

Lunch in a family diner. Of course poutine on the menu; I did not try. Friendly with many tables speaking French. So much slower than in Paris.

Back down to ransom bay South of Alburg. Lovely B&B with a good restaurant, run BT very nice folks. They explained that the restaurant, an addition about 5 years ago, does twice the revenue of the rooms. The rooms are rustic, this is a stone building.

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4 Responses to BSLC Alburg ransom bay

  1. One road looked a bit muddy.

  2. Jeff Gray says:

    Just a little residual from yesterdays rain

  3. Poutine -isn't that the opiate of the masses? How did you marshal the will power to avoid it? IMHO, slower is better.

    • Bob says:

      Poutine should not be shunned. Jeff has been denying his body essential fatty fluids for too long. “I do not shun women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence.” -Dr Strangelove.

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