Busca Figeac KB

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Busca Figeac KB

August 31   another perfect sunny and cool day, not a cloud in the sky

Perfect day for banana fish and family and their relatives
After another pleasant ride through the Lot valley one reaches the road to Figeac.  Straight up hill for about 140 meters at 4-5% grade and then down a slightly greater grade into the old city.
Figeac was a prosperous city with significant European and Medeterranean trade until about the Hundred Years war.    It was founded in the 9th century and grew prosperous with the success of the abby.  Great wealth from the pre Hundred Years War can be seen in the architecture and fine old buildings.  
After the Hundred Years War religious strife brought more hardship to this fine city.
QB still suffering but getting better very very very slowly.  Long walk for her today – 28 km likely.
After a California lunch of Salade Miami and biere  pression  at a local brasserie a walking tour of the old city, well keyed and marked for tourist.
No Wiki site for Figeac, very surprised as this the epitome of an old medieval town.  
If QB has the energy to blog tonight the good pictures will be posted from the camera.

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